Manufacturer: Seagate Model: ST34501WC TD# 270263
Interface... UltraSCSI SCA Formatted Capacity... 4,550 MB
Cylinders 6526 Heads 8 Sectors Variable
Landing Zone Cyl + 1 Precomp N/A RWC Cyl N/A
Encoding Method PRML Xfer/Mb 40 MTBF (Hr X 1000) 1000
Form factor 3.5" Novell Y/N Y Height HALF
Power (Typical) 6.74W Power (Max) 11.1W Speed 10,000
Avg seek (ms) 8 Cache 512k Mfg. Warranty 5 YRS

NOTE: Can also be operated according to SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3 protocols.
Copyright ⌐ 1996, 1997 Tech Data Corporation

Configuration and Jumper Options

Image of Drive showing Jumpers

The SCSI ID for WC and DC drives is normally set over the SCSI bus by the host system using connector contacts 39 (ID0), 40 (ID2), 79 (ID1), and 80 (ID3).

Terminating the drive

ST34501WC and ST34501DC drives do not have internal terminators or any other way of adding internal termination to the drive. You must provide external termination to these drives when termination is required.

WC/WD drives Applicable jumper options

Image of Drive showing Jumpers

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